Conversations about Power

Episode 023: Your Access to Power with Stella Scott

Lynn Coleman and Stella Scott Episode 23

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In today's Conversation About Power, I'm talking to Stella Scott. 

Stella has had a fascinating career starting with running a dance company. She's been an opera singer, a Gestalt therapist, and now she's a coach and astrologer. 

She's also very intelligent and frequently asks questions that we may not have thought to even ask before. Partly, this comes from her unique perspective from being the daughter of a Swedish woman and an African American man - 2 very different experiences of power. 

  • 02-05-2024
  • Conversations About Power with Lynn Coleman
  • Episode 023: Your Access to Power with Stella Scott

In this episode, we talk about how our sense of having power is determined by our direct and historical experience of it and by our ease of access to power and to ways to change things.

Get prepared to change your perspective on power.

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